Sunday, July 4, 2010


Man a Gallis!....AH YES….., never in the history of mankind have such inspirational words been spoken …thank you so much Mr. Vegas, Mr. Kartel, you are such an example for young men everywhere. I thank God everyday that men such as you have taken the time to speak to young men and grow them with values. Oh but let’s not forget the ladies. Gentlemen it’s a good thing you are around so that we women *cough* sorry, ‘tings’ can know our place.

Now I know what you all might be saying, these are just songs, and they are just musicians, but the fact of the matter is their music has a wide listenership and reaches the ears of young people the world over. The reality of the world is that not every young person has a parent or teacher that can give them good advice or guidance. They learn their ABCs and get their Sex Education from TV, Movies and Music.

So when I walk down the street and hear a six year old singing bout the ‘tightest hole’, he ever get inna his life…(and oh yes that is exactly what he singing bout, look at his hand movements in the video), I have to slap myself in the face and wonder where we as a people really heading.
So… being the inquisitive person that I am I decided to have a chat with a few of my guy friends and a few random strangers (lol weird..ah know) about the way men think about sex and relationships. I spoke to few mature men, but the bulk of the persons I spoke to were between the ages of 20-28. Ladies you would be amazed at the some of the responses I got, I am seriously now considering becoming a nun. One interview in particular stood out. A chat is had with a very vocal stranger. I have given the details below.

AGE: 26

Question: Do you have a girlfriend
Answer: No

Question: Did you ever have a serious girlfriend before
Answer: Yes

Question: Well… what happened
Answer: It didn’t end well

Question: Have you had a girlfriend since then
Answer: No girl, I in my prime…MAN A GALLIS, hehehe

Question: So I take it to understand then, that you do not want a girlfriend now
Answer: For What?....i doh have time for that!

Question: Is that because of a bad past relationship?
Answer: No

Question: But you go out on dates right?
Answer: yeah

Question: Does the girl you are dating know that you don’t really want her, that its just about sex?
Answer: No girl, wham to you girl, men doh operate so….i just tell her what she wants to hear.

Question: So, you lie to her
Answer: Yes

Question: Why would you not just be honest, there are girls who would be up for that?
Answer: Not any good girls, quality girls! We don’t mess with dem bad ting!

Question: So what do you tell this girl, after you have had your way?
Answer: I tell them “hear wuz de scene muh girl, I thought I was ready, but I really not ready to start a new relationship, sorry bout that eh” and dat done right dey.

My response Ladies and Gentlemen, was…..WOW!...honestly that was all I could have said. The sad part was that he wasn’t pursuing girls that were open to casual sex he was persuing “Good Girls”; a girl that now genuinely likes him and opens up her body to him. I was flabbergasted to say the least. Somehow I wondered though if a sour past relationship was really to blame for his actions….but he denied that of course.

Is this how our young men think? This is my generation….my lord!

But what can we expect, when being a player or a gallis is so cool. Ent?! Some of the guys I spoke to even indicated that they had girlfriends and still pursued other women. Which to be honest did not shock me, as we have the likes of Bill Clinton, Tiger Woods, John Gosling, Jessie James, David Boreanus; the list goes on, who have made it quite clear that there is an outbreak of sexual addiction and we should find an immediate cure or better yet check into rehab.

I can expect as well that this young gentleman (if I can still refer to him as a gentleman) would no doubt discuss these young women in public forum with his friends; degrading her, all for some bragging rights and some pips. Real sad but so very true!

Generations ago, women turned a blind eye to the wandering eyes and illicit affairs of men, but is today’s fast pace, educated, self-sufficient woman to do the same? People I would really like to hear your views on this topic…school me please! Men do you agree with this young ‘gentleman’, tell me your thoughts please…I am intrigued.

Till Next Time....



Renee R. said...

I shall join you in the nunnery. Yet to find a guy that fits d requirements in my head.. or elsewhere :p Girl's lime soon?

Herschey's Kisses said...

Girl!! the nunnery has a waiting many ladies want to join lol...girls lime very soon indeed :)

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